Jaspal Kahlon
2 min readMar 11, 2022


Work Story: How can you be allowed to travel?

I was standing with My boss (MD) of the Company outside a hotel where we concluded a meeting. This is mid 2014.

I said, “I am going for another bike trip to Ladakh.”

My boss standing next to me turned to look at me and smiling. “You are very lucky.”

My wife may not allow me to. And, I wonder how is your wife allowing you to go while you traveling solo without taking them along.”

“I will call her to check if it’s true as you make me see it.” He did not call to check and I went for my trip. I was away from work for two weeks.

Same situation happened when I joined a new company. The Founder I reported to, wondered how I could travel.

He asked for my spouse’s phone no. I shared and he calls her instantly.

“Mam, have you allowed him to go on a bike trip?”

Whe he hears she did, “Why? It’s risky.”

She says, “Let him go and live the life be longs for.” And, I on another trip.

This has been an annual affair since 2014. I completed more than 15 bike trips and not a single that lasts less than 10 days.

This despite I changing jobs on four occasions.

How could I make this happen?

I have no clear answer. But maybe I can outline some reasons for why I could make it happen.

  1. I exhibited passion at work that was rare. That extends outside of work as well.
  2. 2. I am carefree and do not want to be restricted and controlled.
  3. 3. I learnt that affirmations work. All depends on the kind of affirmations.
  4. 4. I am supportive to family all times.
  5. 5. I have no social circle so family feels happy when I go on trips to refresh.
  6. 6. My spouse loves me a lot. Simply, I am lucky.
  7. 7. I do not wait for the right time to pursue my interests. Just make it happen.
  8. 8. I am persistent
  9. 9. If it’s on my mind, I cannot let it go without doing it.
  10. 10. I tend to take life too seriously. And, I learnt such trips help me relax.



Jaspal Kahlon

Enjoy writing about my thoughts and learnings. I prefer to journal rather than write.